Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Lose Your Man Boobs Now!

If you are visiting from my article "Exercise Program To Lose Man Boobs",, then here is a link to some very simple but fantastic exercises:

The question becomes are you just trying to lose your man boobs or do you want to improve your quality of life? I am the eternal optimist so I believe that everyone wants to improve themselves. If you lose your man boobs as a collateral benefit, then I assume you will not be upset.

There are two things which have become very clear.

1. All diets were not created equal
2. All exercise programs were not created equal.

As I discuss a little bit in the "Exercise Program To Lose Man Boobs" article, it is very important to firmly establish your goals before you evaluate various diets and exercise programs. But the most important single bit of information to assist you in your evaluations is the following:

Your body is very adept at defending itself.
Even if you consciously are choosing an exercise routine to burn massive amounts of calories, that does not mean that your body will predictably burn the calories you want - plainly stated - body fat.
Even if you consciously are choosing a low carb, low fat diet, that does not mean that your body will not convert other calorie sources into body fat thereby storing energy against some perceived future need.

What does all this mean. It means that you need to understand how the body works if you want to accomplish your health and fitness goals in the most straightforward least painful manner. Plainly stated - in cooperation with your body instead of in opposition to it.

You do not need to go to medical school. You just need to know something about how the hormonal system reacts to stimulus. You also need to be a better record keeper because you cannot be predictable in the short term. You will need to eat certain foods and do certain exercises but you cannot establish a firm repetitive routine. If you do, your body will adjust its operation to counter any goals you may have chosen.

How are you going to do that?