Monday, January 11, 2010

Tribulus Terrestris | Lose Your Man Boobs Now

Man boobs are all about hormonal imbalance. Too much estrogen, too little testosterone in the male body.

Logic suggests that we should pursue a strategy that increases natural testosterone production.

There are a number of ways to accomplish this.


- resistance training will stimulate more natural testosterone production.


- avoid or minimize
fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, many more
- include
eggs, chicken and meat for B vitamins, protein and lute in seafood for protein and mineral Zinc, vegetables like broccoli and cabbage for indole-3-carbinol which helps reduce estrogen levels. Estrogen promotes fat and minimizes muscle growth, this environment depresses testosterone levels.garlic for allicin
and many more
The recommended strategy to lose man boobs is to stimulate your natural production of testosterone. Using pills, shots or creams which just add testosterone. This is not an effective strategy for either hormonal balancing or overall men's health. It often depresses the natural production of testosterone.

Several decades ago the Bulgarian Olympic weight lifters used a supplement named Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris available as Tribulus Raw Power , 200 pills, 200,000 mg. High Potency, concentrated, Tribulus Terrestris muscle volumizer, male enhancement
to stimulate natural testosterone production. The supplement worked by stimulating the production of luteinizing hormone. Luteininzing hormone stimulates natural testosterone production. Note, this is not the supplement as the herb used in oriental health which uses different parts of related plants to assist in overall health, especially the immune system.

All of the products suggested on this blog are excellent. Synergistic strategies are possible using several products together.
The exercise and diet strategies of either the Chest Coach and Get This Off My Chest are excellent.

Both Gynemax and Gynexin offer excellent ingredients as a natural supplement which address appetite suppression, insulin issues, metabolic rate enhancement and much more.
Both the exercise/diet strategy and the supplementation strategies work to increase the natural production of testosterone.

Follow this link to a review of all four products at

Tribulus Terrestris is one more tool in your toolkit as you actively work toward losing your man boobs and achieving a higher level of overall male health. For more information on Tribulus Terrestris go to the Bulgarian Tribulus page at the GNC website.

It's summer time, take your shirt off. If you are too embarrassed by your man boobs, then do something about it. Improve your self image. Grab some self esteem.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a few ways to increase testosterone, tribulus is one of them. Losing fat would also help with the man boobs.